Letter received from the City of Kitchener. Letter content is shared below. [Note: we have asked the city to confirm that they will also be mailing this notice to residents within 120 metres.]
For more information, you can also view our previous posts on the development application.
Electronic Neighbourhood Information Meeting Registration Details
Date: Wednesday, September 8, 2021
Time: 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm (Please login 5 minutes before 7pm)
Where: Electronic Meeting (Zoom)
The City has scheduled an electronic Neighbourhood Information Meeting. This meeting is an opportunity to:
• Become informed on the details of the proposed applications,
• Learn more about the current Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) appeal proceedings,
• Ask questions to staff regarding the proposal, and
• Provide comments related to the proposal.
The registration deadline is September 7, 2021 at 1:00pm.
Register via Jessica Vieira at Jessica.Vieira@kitchener.ca. Please include your name, email and mailing address with your registration request so that we can confirm attendance. A confirmation email, Zoom link, and instructions for participating in the meeting electronically with be provided the morning of the meeting.
Letter content
Dear Community Member:
You are invited to an Electronic Neighbourhood Information Meeting to learn more about the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment proposed by 30 Duke Street LTD. for 22 Weber Street West.
Date: Wednesday, September 8, 2021
Time: 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm (Please login 5 minutes before 7pm)
Where: Electronic Meeting (Zoom)
The subject site is identified as a Major Transit Station Area on the Urban Structure Map in the Official Plan. The land is designated as High Density Commercial Residential in the Civic Centre Secondary Plan which permits a range of uses including free standing multiple residential buildings at a maximum Floor Space Ratio of 4.0. The Official Plan Amendment proposes to retain the existing High Density Commercial Residential land use designation but permit an increased Floor Space Raito (FSR) permission of 6.2. FSR is a measure of total building floor area based on lot area – it is the figure obtained when the building floor area on a lot is divided by the lot area.
The subject lands are zoned Commercial Residential Three (CR-3) in Zoning By-law 85-1. The Zoning By-law Amendment application is proposing to add site specific zoning regulations to permit;
• a minimum front yard setback of 0.8 metres from Weber Street (minimum of 3.0 metres is required),
• a minimum rear yard setback of 15.0 metres (minimum required is half of the building height, in this case 23.3 metres is required),
• a maximum FSR of 6.2 (maximum FSR of 4.0 is permitted),
• a minimum landscape area of 8% of the lot area (minimum 10% required),
• a minimum ground floor height of 4.5 metres (no minimum required),
• a parking rate of 0.165 spaces per dwelling unit for all units, (a maximum of 40% of units are permitted to have a parking rate of 0.165 unit, and 60% of units have a parking rate of 1.25 spaces per dwelling unit), and,
• a visitor parking rate of 10% of the total required parking (minimum 20% is required).
The development proposal is for a 15-storey multiple residential building with 126 units, including 19 barrier free units. A total of 24 parking spaces are proposed at grade.
This application has been appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal (formerly LPAT, OMB) and as part of the appeal, the applicant is now requesting the approval of a 19 storey building rather than a 15 storey building. There was no additional supporting information provided for the revised request.
A Case Management Conference was held on June 23, 2021. A second digital case management conference is scheduled for October 5, 2021 at 10:00am (instructions on how to attend can be found in the OLT Decision at www.kitchener.ca/PlanningApplications) .
Notice of this application was circulated to property owners in August 2020. A copy of the notice letter is available on the City’s website (www.kitchener.ca/PlanningApplications).
Electronic Neighbourhood Information Meeting Details
The City has scheduled an electronic Neighbourhood Information Meeting. This meeting is an opportunity to:
• Become informed on the details of the proposed applications,
• Learn more about the current Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) appeal proceedings,
• Ask questions to staff regarding the proposal, and
• Provide comments related to the proposal.
In keeping with physical distancing measures recommended by Public Health due to COVID-19, this Neighbourhood Information Meeting will be electronic and scheduled online using Zoom. This meeting is open to anyone wishing to participate, however registration is required. Where possible, please limit registrations to one per household.
The registration deadline for this meeting is September 7, 2021 at 1:00pm. To register please email Jessica Vieira at Jessica.Vieira@kitchener.ca. Please include your name, email and mailing address with your registration request so that we can confirm attendance. A confirmation email, Zoom link, and instructions for participating in the meeting electronically with be provided the morning of the meeting.
Yours truly,
Garett Stevenson, BES, MCIP, RPP
Manager, Development Review
DSD – Planning Division
200 King Street West, P.O. Box 1118
Kitchener ON N2G 4G7
519-741-2200 ext. 7070
TTY: 1-866-969-9994