Tri-City Developments proposes to demolish 50-56 Weber and 107 Young, three buildings inside the Civic Centre Heritage District, to build a six-storey multi-residential building.
Tri-City invites the community to hear about the proposal at 1pm, Saturday, January 4th in the Conestoga Room, City Hall.
The updated Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) will be considered by Heritage Kitchener at a public meeting at 4pm, Tuesday, January 7th in the Conestoga Room, City Hall.
The Heritage Impact Assessment is available at:
The heritage district plan is available at this link:
Civic Centre Heritage Conservation District Plan
Jan. 7, 2020 Update: Per Heritage Kitchener Minutes, “The Committee was advised the property owner intends to revise their development plans which will also necessitate amendments to the Heritage Impact Assessment ( HIA). The Chair noted the matter was being removed from the agenda this date, stating once the HIA has been revised it would be rescheduled accordingly for a future meeting.”