Wednesday, October 3rd, 2018 at 7:30 p.m.
Location: Downtown Community Centre 35B Weber St. West
Meeting Room: Multi-Purpose, 2nd Floor
There has been a recent increase in suspected illegal activity and break & enter crimes in our neighbourhood. Waterloo Regional Police Services (WRPS) are working with community members to identify concerns and address/investigate suspected illegal activity. There have been some small successes, but in order to remain focused on the needs in this area, WRPS needs support.
Who can attend? Residents & Businesses including owners, tenants and landlords
Presenters include: Kitchener Bylaw, Waterloo Regional Police Services
Area of Focus: area bounded by Weber, Victoria, Lancaster and Frederick streets
You can help by . . . attending this Community meeting to discuss issues and other ways to keep the area clean and safe; joining the organizing group.