The City of Kitchener Planning Department began a Secondary Plan review of Olde Berlin Town in the Civic Centre’s Secondary Plan in December 2018. The resources here can help you understand the issues, process and how to participate. Your input is welcome and needed to ensure we make the right choices for our community. Be sure to read all the Land Use, Zoning, Planning and Urban Planning information on the website for the best insight.
What are Secondary Plans?
“Secondary Plans are detailed neighbourhood scale Plans. They are prepared because the general policies directing City-wide growth and development are not detailed enough to address specific issues in an individual neighbourhood” (from Kitchener Official Plan, Part 3, Section 12, Page 1).
How Can You Get Involved?
- Review the Planning Department’s proposal and the draft neighbourhood response.
- We will endeavor to share further details on upcoming events. Comments on the proposal are due by Dec. 9, 2019.
- Be informed of the more general land-use planning documents that contextualize the Secondary Plans. The land-use documents can be found at the City of Kitchener website. Below is a list of some key planning documents as related to the Olde Berlin Neighbourhood:
i) Official Plan
ii) Current Zoning By-law 85-1
iii) Comprehensive Review of the Zoning By-law (CRoZBy)
iv) Planning Around Rapid Transit Stations
v) Heritage Conservation District Plans
vi) Civic Centre Neighbourhood Plan for Land Use
vii) Secondary Plans
viii) Citizen’s Guide to Neighbourhood Development
Update Nov 15, 2019
Please visit the following page to learn more about the neighbourhood response to the draft secondary plan released on Oct. 11, 2019.
For more general information, see also these pages: